Corporate Values 企業價值
Social Responsibility 社會責任 |
People Orientation 以人為本 |
Integrity 誠信 |
Customer Delight 客戶滿意 |
Excellence卓越表現 |
Social Responsibility 社會責任 |
We believe social responsibility and corporate citizenship are
integral parts of our business. We are committed to improving
lives of people in the communities in which we live and work. |
我們確信「社會責任」和「企業公民職責」兩者都是我們業務中不可或缺的部分。我們致力在生活與工作的社區中,改善人們的生活。 |
People Orientation 以人為本 |
We recognize our employees as individuals and are committed to nurturing their individual capabilities. We will uplift the dignity of labor by encouraging our people to be the best in their fields. We are committed to creating a work environment that encourages open communication, camaraderie and professional growth. |
我們重視每一位員工,並竭力培育其個人能力。通過鼓勵人們在其各自工作的領域中,達到顛峰,為員工增光。我們致力創造合適的工作環境,鼓勵員工開放交流,增進同事間之友誼和專業發展。 |
Integrity 正直誠信 |
In the conduct of our business, we will be guided by what is ethical, fair and right. We believe in profit with honor and are committed to good governance and the highest moral standards. |
在業務運作中,我們堅持道德,公平和公正的原則。我們相信賺取利潤也要兼顧信譽,並致力於良好的企業管治和最高的道德標準。 |
Customer Delight
客戶滿意 |
We will be our customers’ preferred choice. They will choose our products and services above others because we provide them with products and services that exceed their expectations. |
我們會成為客戶和消費者的最佳選擇。客戶和消費者選擇我們而並非其他競爭對手,因為我們提供的產品和服務,遠遠超出其期望。 |
卓越表現 |
We will constantly strive for excellence. We will be the best we can be and create value in everything we do. We will be proactive and entrepreneurial, propelled by a sense of urgency, competitiveness and total dedication to results. |
在緩急有序、競爭精神及全力達致成果的推動下,我們積極主動,富創業精神。 |